Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What a weekend! We headed back to Kirksville for some birthday fun, football games and Halloween fun! Lissy and I went back on Thursday with Bella and Brady in tow. They both did great on the drive and we got home in time for Caroline's birthday party. Mom and Dad made an awesome fried chicken dinner and I ate way too much. I totally missed her opening her presents due to some messy diapers. The cake was delicious but I think Caroline was about to give up on her party at this point. In the middle of the Happy Birthday song, Lincoln sent a riding a rocket ship down the steps of my parents house (twice - who brought it back up is what I want to know!)

Since the kids are stuck inside a little more in the fall and winter, Grandma found a way to keep Bella entertained and boy did it work. Bella colored for close to 2 hours.

Look at the concentration! She is serious about coloring.
Brady and Colton got to sit for a bit and catch up.
Brady got really relaxed and popped his foot up on Colton's tray.
Then Ellie and Carson thought they might join in on the conversation.
Too bad they didn't understand any of it.
The next morning Brady and Carolina played on the floor with Max.
Brady is a little braver then his big sister. He can't keep his hands (and mouth) off of Max.
How cute are these little faces. Happiest group of babies EVER!
Caroline and Carolina! Oh and Carson squeezed on the little chair also.
Brady loves a good exersaucer although I think he was missing his one that bounces all over! You will have to check out the video if I can get it to post!
That night it was off to the Kirksville Tiger Football game! We like the game but we really go for the cheerleaders. Molly was having her Senior night so it was a bitter sweet night. The last night an Early girl will cheer football at Spainhower Field. She did great and she even flew which isn't easy for a girl with a bunch of screws in her back. Way to go Molly!

All of the kiddos did great at the football game. Bella and Brady loved the atmosphere of the game with the band and the team the cheerleaders and especially the tiger. Bella saw him as we were leaving and he gave her stickers from his backpack! Bella had been obsessed with the tigers backpack and what could possibly be in it. We had determined it had a DS, lip gloss, books and a mirror inside.
I know this picture isn't great but I love how attentive Bella is at the beginning.
The cheerleaders getting ready for the game to start!
The next morning we were pretty lazy. Papa had a cooking class and made Mickey Mouse pancakes for the grandkids. They are all getting very excited about Walt Disney World and these are one of Papa's specialties! On a side note, Mom and I were up in her room waiting for Bella to go potty. She was sitting there and we asked her about Walt Disney World and what she was going to see. She was so cute as she went on and on about all of the things were going to see. It started out slow and got louder and more excited as she went on and it went something like this... "We're goin' to Walt Disey Wold and we gonna see Mickey Mouse and Cinderella's tasle and Minney Mouse and Donl Duck and Mickey Mouse and Plu-o and Belle and Tinkerbell and Ariel and Daisy..." "Not da Beast or Tapn Hook cuz they're scawy!"
Toooooo Cute!
Baylor enjoying some bounce time after a big breakfast! How great is his smile!
Everyone hanging out in the family room.
After pancakes and a yummy french toast casserole (oh yeah - the guys hung some Christmas lights with Dad) we got bundled up again and headed over to Truman for another football game. This time it was to watch Jared play against Truman and the weather was much nicer than the night before. It was a beautiful fall day and the kids had a blast. They even got to meet the bulldog and watch the band play as they were dressed up for Halloween. Jared did great and Washburn (his team) won! Way to go Jared!
Bella insisted on cleaning the ground with Brady's leftover formula and a snack wrapper. Ellie and Carson are trying to figure out what in the world she is doing. Good question you two!

Can you find Carolina in the middle? Hint - Look for the giant pink flower!
There is Jared - #47
Ellie and Bella pounding the popcorn before I could get to it!
Lincoln and Papa taking a mid-game nap!
After the game, we headed back to the house and prepared for the Halloween party or should I say "Boo Bash!" Mom and Dad had most everything ready to go and Ali of course whipped up lots of yummy treats including cake pops, cupcakes and cookies Oh My! My parents and Kaitlin and Zane went to a wedding after the game (actually Kaitlin was in it and she looked precious with her baby bump popping out of her bridesmaid dress) so the rest of us finished setting up for the party. The girls decorated, Andy started the fire and blew up the bounce house and the guys watched the babies. Soon it was time to put on the costumes and head out back for the party. It was a great time with great fun, awesome costumes and lots of fun games for the kids including a donut eating contest, a spoon/egg race, digging for prizes in brains (noodles) and to wrap it up... a pinata! After eating roasted hot dogs and smores, dips and desserts and 3 cups of Autumn's spiced cider I was ready to pop. Bella had a good time but she still gets a little nervous in large groups. Brady was snuggly and precious!
Check out our cute little puppy dog and spunky Tinkerbell!
Two tinkerbells!
Papa helping Princess Ellie get her hot dog ready.
Molly in her friends got into the spirit.
Molly went as a Hershey Kiss (It was a dance costume from when she was little.)
Tinkerbell Bella finally found a way to fly thanks to Aunt Lissy! Now she is liking the Boo Bash!
Tinkerbell Briley has been trying to figure out how this outfit flies ever since she got it for her birthday. This was close but not quite what she was expecting!
Awww Snuggle Puppy! He loves his Daddy!
Lincoln the Cowardly Lion (He isn't a coward it just looks exactly like the costume from the Wizard of Oz) with his main man Papa!
Check out this little Peter Pan. Autumn and her Mom whipped together this awesome costume. Isn't Baylor a cutie!
This picture doesn't truly depict the mass of kids around the pinata! Ty the Spiderman got to swing first since it was his birthday!
The party was a blast but I know everyone was whipped after that long day. Even the babies wanted to snuggle and sleep some more in the morning. We always joke that Zane and Kaitlin are practicing when really we know they will be great parents. We just like the help when we are home! Zane has even figured out how to juggle hot coffee and a sleeping baby. What a pro!
This is actually a precious picture of Lissy and Carolina sucking her thumb and snuggling but Lissy was mad at me for taking the picture. She was fresh out of bed after a long day.
After we got home on Sunday, we headed over to Scott and Emily's house for another Halloween party and some trick-or-treating. They gave everyone a real treat when they found a fourth tiny pumpkin on their porch. Colin is going to be a big brother!!!! We are all very excited and thrilled that Mom and Baby are healthy! Emily made some delicious chilis and lots of snacks and after we filled our bellies, we put the kids costumes back on and went trick or treating. It was a little dark so we didn't get great pictures. Bella didn't get the hang of saying "trick-or-treat" but she did tell a group of ladies about her trick-or-treat bag and the sticker stars on it. Thats a start I guess.
Brady went trick-or-treating also and loved it. He kept kicking and giggling but he was stuck in the baby bjorn so I don't have pictures of him.