Thursday, May 29, 2008

Packing on the OZ's!

Bella is getting bigger every day! When we took her in for her first check up she had lost over a pound from her 6lbs. 14oz birth weight. The next visit a week later she had only gained a few ounces and then only a few ounces more the next visit. She eats alot takes her time so we are always feeding her and finally it paid off. She is up to 6lbs 12oz. We are almost up to her birth weight. Even with her soaking wet diaper before we left and having a power spit-up as we were walking out the door! I'm sure with all of that she would have been above her birth weight! She has become quite the eater so I'm sure she will have no problem fattening up now. I have explained to her that she has to enjoy her food if she wants to be a part of the family and I think she understands. It was a little chilly when we had an appointment the other day so I went to put her in her sleeper and realized she has outgrown the preemie sleepers. She still is a little too small for her newborn sleepers but she isn't swimming in them like she was before.

As far as her sleeping, that is another story. For the first week or so she was sleeping so well. I think we were in the honeymoon period. Since then, she has been trying out a couple of different schedules. My personal favorite is when she eats at 9:00pm, 12:00am and then sleeps until 5:00am. Bella seems to favor the schedule when she eats at 9:00pm and then rests for 15 minute intervals till anywhere between 2:00am and 4:00am. After about 3 or 4 nights on her schedule, she will usually give up and give in to my schedule. I have to admit though, she does sleep better in her swing so she has been spending some time in it at night. I think I am going to save the swing for the nights when I am having trouble keeping my eyes open.

Our daily activities are pretty dependent on how the night goes. I am trying to get our house back in order but it seems like it just keeps getting worse. I think it is because I start a project when she is settled in and then I get about half way through it before it is time to eat again and she is calling me. I also like to play with her a little when she is awake and content. I keep trying out her new toys such as her bouncy seat and swing as well as just laying on a blanket on the floor and playing with some of her toys or just with me. As far as playing with some of her toys, if she will look at them for a short period of time, it is a hit. Right now, she likes the one with feet that vibrate. I put them on her belly and she wiggles around. She will lay and glance around for a longer period of time but she doesn't like it when I get up and walk away. What can I say - she is a social one.

She has had a few outings lately. She went to a picnic at our friend Curt's house and loved hanging out with Amy, Abby and Priyal. She likes girl time and relaxing outdoors in the sun. Bella also got to meet two adorable twins, Abby and Ellie. She also went to Mama Bev's and Papa Ted's house for dinner on Sunday. This was her second time but since there was a small crowd, she got to sit at the table. The ribs were yummy, to bad she doesn't have teeth yet. She also made her third trip to Mommy's school this week. I not only missed out on the last weeks of school but my classroom is going to part of a renovation so everything had to be packed up and moved to another room. It is pretty hard to do when I am not there. Luckily, my wonderful substitute, Katie, and all of the other first grade teachers were so helpful and did quite a bit of my packing and end of the year things for me. Bella was wonderful and met lots of new friends up at the school as I tried to empty my room. Ryan has helped with a lot of this as well. He took her up to the school with me to meet the kids. They thought she was pretty wonderful and were very excited to meet her. They had been waiting the whole school year so I'm glad they got to meet her before school was out.

Well, I am going to try and start dinner and we will see how it goes. She is probably getting hungry so the clock is ticking.