Saturday, May 3, 2008

Anxiously Awaiting Bella or Matthew

On Thursday I went to see Dr. Snowden for my 2nd weekly visit. The week before, he indicated that I should expect to go within the next week to three weeks. At this visit he was pretty confident that Ryan and I should be parents within the week! I know, it is kind of a scary thought! :) Actually, we are both really excited! It is a little sooner than we thought I'm not due till the 22nd) but we are pretty much ready.

The nursery is as done as it can be with out knowing if a baby boy or baby girl is on the way. My Mom helped me with the bedding and the chandelier (which hung above Ryan and I's wedding cake) and about everything else! My Mom and Dad also came down for a weekend earlier and helped with all of the little details. Lissy and Allison hung the wall quotes for me on the gables which I was scared to do myself. Ryan has been busy hanging baskets, mirrors, frames, chandeliers and handy switches. I painted marbles and washed everything in Dreft. Ryan asked me over and over if what I was doing was called "nesting".

Ryan has intstalled the car seat bases and put all of the baby gear together. All of our bath time items are in the bathroom closet. We even have the cradle ready to go upstairs and the bassinet put together for the downstairs. The bottles are clean, our bags are packed and the cameras are charged. Ryan even got me an early Mother's Day/Push gift. It is the tiniest video camera I have ever seen and I am so excited to use it! We finally chose a pediatrician and I even scheduled my prenatal massage my sister's gave me! Hopefully I will be posting pictures of our little bit soon - but - not before my prenatal massage! I really love massages!


Allison Farwell said...

Everything looks great- so exciting