Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Christmas to April in a flash!!!

Lissy informed me that I am supposed to update my blog but I have one big problem.  It has been soooooo long that I have way to many things to talk about so instead I will just let the pictures do most of the talking and there is a cute video of Brady giggling at Bella in the middle.  Since I posted last we celebrated Christmas a little here, a little at Grandma Bev and Papa Teds and a little at Grandma Mary Carol and Papa Mike's!  We have also had visitors here at our house, visited St. Louis and Kirksville again, got about 2 foot of snow, and just some fun around the house!  On a sad note, Ryan's Grandma Sedlak passed away so we went back to St. Louis for her funeral.  On a happy note, I know she led a very happy and blessed life and we got to see almost all of Ryan's family.  We also had to say goodby to Rob and Danielle because they are moving to South Korea for a few years.  So sad but they will be back now and then so that is good.  We also went to Kansas City for Baylor's 1st birthday and baptism which were adorable but I have a very few pics because my camera was being funky.  I'm going to have to play with those pictures a little before I post them.  I can't believe it has been a year since the baby mayhem started (it really all started with Lincoln) but at the same time, it feels like these babies have been a part of our lives forever!  These pictures are totally out of order but I just want to get this posted.

I wanted to share a little about Bella and Brady before I get to the pictures! 

Miss Bella still keeps me pulling my hair out and snickering at the same time.  She says and does the funniest things but she is very persistent when she wants something.  I know this will come in handy for her someday but for right now, it just wears her mama out!  She has asked for a racehorse for her birthday and loves the movie "Secretariat" and quotes lines like "You got him mugged at the gate, mugged in the pack and mugged on the rails!  Your off him - don't START with me - YOU ARE OFF HIM!"  and "Hello Kentucky!  Big Old Red done ate his breakfast this morning and you bout to see something you aint ever seen before...so get ready!"  Bella is also very into playing pretend right now and taking care of all of her babies, her horse Bob and fixing food.  She likes for me to leave Brady with her to play ( I do check on them) and he giggles most of the time... till he cries!  She is very excited about the warmer weather because it means she can wear her favorite clothing item.  Not a tutu, sundress or something cute...regular t-shirts are her favorite!  Which means short sleeved t-shirts!  She is giving up the paci completely now (we are late on this) and has been doing much better with her potty-training!  We went to St. Stephen's Preschool yesterday to register her for next year and although she was very nervous we were going to leave her there, she is starting to ask more questions about it.

Now for Brady!  He is still my BIG toddler looking baby who loves to snuggle and has to burp after you feed him his bottle because he won't hold it himself but he is getting too big.  He is into EVERYTHING and loves to empty things!  He is thrilled when he gets the laundry basket!  He is getting pretty close to standing and walking and does very well with Bell's shopping cart (until she knows he has it!)  Like I said, he is a snuggler and thought he needed to sleep between his Mom and Dad each night and be able to touch both of them but we are being really cruel and making him stay in his crib now.  He is starting to get the hint and although he doesn't like it, eventually he goes back to sleep!  He has become a HUGE Daddy fan and gets sad if he passes him and doesn't pick him up.  Most of the time now he prefers Ryan to me and most people think this should make me sad but it doesn't!  He still loves his Mommy and I think it is actually adorable!  He is also a BIG Bella fan and gets very excited about playing with her and getting into trouble together!  It will probably bite me in the butt later but they are so darn cute together right now when they are up to no good!

Ryan and I haven't been up to too much be we did plant a garden. Ryan and CJ built a garden for the Criders and a garden table for us this weekend as Suzanne and I took Maddie, Bella and Brady to a festival downtown and to our playground to play. It was a beautiful day to spend outside and we grilled up some steaks and stirred up some margaritas to top off the beautiful day! We planted on Sunday but I thought all of it was going to blow away in the crazy winds! Now we will sit back and see if it grows!

Our first attempt at a family pic on my new phone.  We sent this to Aunt Kristian for her birthday.  We had party hats, blowers, a cake and everything!
This outfit is for Aunt Molly - She loved it of course!

Bella feeding lunch to her babies!

I cleaned out our tub and ran bleach water through the jets.  I figured I should flush them out again with regular water.  I turned on the tub and had full intentions of returning to turn it off but I forgot.  The overflow valve works which is a relief to know!

After a hard morning of play!

This is how Brady would spend all of his time if we let him!  He LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and becomes completely engrossed when he hears Mickey say "Hey everybody!  Say you want to come inside my clubhouse?"

Ever eaten yourself into a stuper?

Story time at the hotel in KC - like I said, Daddy's boy!

Bella loves this sticker book Grandma Bev got her when they were in town!

Trying to get a semi-cute updated picture of these two did not work out.  If it wasn't blurry you would see these cuties!

Bella and Maddie sacked out on the couch watching The Little Mermaid after a long day of play!

Our new garden table.  We planted 1 of everything we could find so we will have to see what grows...if anything!
 I am the one responsible for it!

Some of our other plants and pots.  We have more to go but we need some more plants and soil and the wind was killing us!

Stealing a "behavior modification" idea from Ali and every classroom I have ever been in!  This is Bella's good girl jar which she gets to fill up by doing the right things and being a big girl!  When she gets to the ribbon, she gets a prize!  We may have to move the ribbon up as time goes on!

Brady has been here!!!  I organize these about 5 times a day.  By organize I mean shove everything back in them!

Crafting with Grandma!
Puppet show with Papa and the puppets Bella made with Granda

Time for Christmas carols - Who knows Frosty?

Sleeping Christmas morning

Sick Christmas Morning :(

Ready for presents!  Let us in!

Enjoying to toys they found in their Christmas mittens (Grandma's stockings for the grandkids!)

Now we know Owen was to blame for the Christmas morning chow-down on puppy chow!

Let the chaos begin!

Grandma gave the girls Minnie Mouse polka dot suitcases for our Walt Disney World trip!  Bella loves to pack it up!

Brady openning a gift from Santa!

Bella's dress up box.  Jackson doesn't see what  is sooo cool about this!


Thank God for kids there is MAGIC for awhile!

He may not say Mommy but he sure does love her!


I keep saying we need another Doctor so I guess Carson finally listened.

How often do you get a Christmas sunset like this???  It is like a card!

Autumn and Lissy just chillin with the little men!

Snuggle with Aunt Lis!

Party train with Bella on the non-mobile horse in the lead!  See Ellie's frustration!

Decorating Christmas cookies with Maddie!

Meeting Santa and Mrs. Clause at our subdivision Christmas Party!

LOVED Grandma and Papa Sedlak's nativity and train set!  Jesus is good for teething apparently!

Having a blast with Uncle Rob and Aunt Dani right before he spit up all over them!

What could be in that strange box Olivia???

They love their presents to each other!

Bella is always good to explain Brady's toys to him!

Ryan's expression when it was discovered he was left out of the family drawing and Scott made it twice!

Look who showed up at Grandma and Papa Early's!!!  Let the torment begin!

Brady passed out right after this.  Sleeeeeeepy guy!

Bella finally accepted a friendly bribe from Santa - she even warmed up to him enough to help him pass these out to everyone.  Anything for peanut butter cups!  Like mother like daughter!

Lincoln is a huge HoHo fan!!!

This is about 11pm, Guess who is up and ready to have some fun!

Dress up fun!

Not so fun anymore!

Snuggling with Aunt Caroline!
Making a snowman with Papa!

Rub a dub dub 3 babies in a tub! Colton was the first out, then Brady, then Carolina!  See girl babies are tougher!

Enjoying some football

Dad's birthday dinner!

Dad's Birthday Brownies - not a big cake fan!

Trying to make Bella laugh - it worked!

Bella trying to learn a new party trick!  This takes a lot of concentration - 2 blowers at one time!

Brady Boy before his first haircut!

He was such a good boy and totally intrigued by his sucker!

Tada!  What a handsome little guy!

Playtime with Colin!

Bella trying to play in 2 foot of snow did not work out so well!

Papa hanging out with Brady and Baylor at the bowling alley in Carrol

Briley teaching Bella the ropes of bowling.

Bella kissing on her newest little cousin Owen!  What a cutie patootie!  Apparently Owen makes lots of grunts and groans even when he is not tooting!

Snuggling with Liv at the reception after Grandma Sedlak's funeral.

Most of the Sedlak grandkids!

Most of the Sedlak great grandkids plus some Moms and Dads

The original Sedlak Seven!  Aunt Pat, Aunt Kathy, Aunt Barb, Aunt Marybeth, Aunt Therese, Uncle Glen and Papa Ted

Our Sedlak Family - my kids like to eat their hands - what can I say!

Papa entertaining Brady and Max!

Bella was not too enthused at first when our Leprechaun came to visit.  She says his name is Patrick!

Ryan and Bella made sure Mom had an AWESOME birthday!  Yellow cake and chocolate frosting, appetizers complete with t-rav's, new rockers for the front porch and kitchen tools as well as a YUMMY steak dinner date out!  Thanks Grandma Bev and Kaitlin for watching the kiddos!

Finally - Daddy's helpers with their matching headlamps!


Tiffany said...

how fun sara!