Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Long time no see and Baby #2 is soon to be!

I know I haven't posted since Christmas but I figured I would try to squeeze a post in before the baby gets here. Since I haven't posted since the beginning of 2010 I have to say that so far this year has been great and I know that adding to our family is going to only make it better! I tried to throw together a few slideshows and videos of what we have been up to lately but I have been horrible about keeping my camera and video charged and ready to go so I missed a lot of great events!

Bella has been growing and getting more personality everyday as I'm sure most of you know through "Monday's with Bella"! (On a side note I am sad to see Monday's with Bella go but the fact that I get to be with her now makes it much easier. Ryan and I both checked from Monday night on for the post to go up and loved the commentary! It is okay though because there are many more adventures in store for Miss Lissy and Miss Bella!) I also have been growing! I think/hope this little bit will be here soon because I can't wait to meet him/her!

The Early Grandchild mass addition has already began with Baby Baylor joining us. He is absolutely precious and Bella and I had a blast going to meet him and hang out with Andy, Autumn and Briley. We even got to see Amity while we were there. From what I know, Amanda is moving along and is ready to go soon with the twins, Colton and Carolina! Hopefully we get to meet them soon!

Other big news is that Rob is back from Afghanistan so everyone can sleep a little better now! Especially his little bride, Danielle! We are thankful for what he has done for us but it is always nice when he isn't over there anymore! Now they can start gearing up for their wedding in Mexico in a few months!

I can't remember everything that went on over the past four months but some of the things that you will see are a visit from Ali and Andrew and the kiddos, housework, a baby shower for my friend Priyal who is due in June and our new countertops. Random list, I know but it is what is showing up in the pictures! If I forgot something don't be offended. I don't know my own name most of the time these days! Good thing I am no longer instructing our youth everyday!

Welcome Home Rob!!!