Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Time flies when you are having fun!

Time flies when you are having fun! I know it has been forever since my last post but I do have some excuses – believe it or not. First off, I blame me! I am the world’s greatest procrastinator and for months I have repeated the phrase “I’ll do it next week.” Just ask my husband! Secondly I have one of the slowest and laziest computers ever. To do a post you have to jump sites and my computer doesn’t handle it very well. Normally it stalls for hours then it just quits. Lastly, between teaching, Bella time and rubbing Ryan’s feet in the evenings (it is my little way of saying “I love you” without talking J) I don’t like wasting my time on the computer! Like I said – I’m great at excuses but now I am off for the summer, Bella had a wonderful first birthday, Kaitlin and Zane’s wedding has come and gone and was beautiful, Bella has one new cousin (Welcome precious Colin) and one more on the way soon (we can’t wait to meet you Lincoln) and our family vacation to the beach is over but was amazing. I know I will miss a ton of events but I figured this would be a good time to post some pictures of our life these past months and share some special memories.

We had so much fun celebrating Bella’s first birthday! A ton of family made it to town and we had so many friends (and Bella’s future playmates) show up. Our theme (us Early’s always have a theme) was “Time flies when your having fun. Our little cupcake is turning one!” Bella had a giant cupcake as her cake (which she didn’t really get in to) and we had lots of little cupcakes. Aunt Ali made her famous sugar cookies and the cutest little “cupcake pops” which were her red velvet cupcake balls on a stick decorated like little cupcakes. They were too cute to eat but everyone did anyway because they were also very delicious! Aunt Lissy went all out and even made her a little onsie with the cutest cupcake on the front. We decorated in every bright color you could imagine and lots of photos of Bella through her first year of life. It was wonderful getting to see everyone. Bella had a blast (after a little cat nap on Grandma Bev) playing with all of the kiddos and even Mom and Dad enjoyed themselves!

Bella is now 14 months and counting and makes our house glow with excitement. Her little walk is pretty entertaining (she leads with her belly) and every other day she picks up a new silly trick. She waves hi and bye about 5 minutes late and it looks like she is turning a doorknob or giving the hang 10 sign. She loves to dance to “Poker Face” by Lady GaGa and she thinks it is hilarious when you tell her how much her sweaty feet stink! Bella knows how to make her Daddy’s heart melt by giving him the sweetest bedtime kisses but if she isn’t in the kissing mood she will tell you so as she shakes her head back and forth and say’s “no, no, no, no, no, no!” I have never seen anything cuter in a set of pigtails and her baby chub has left little tan lines on her suntan ankles. Bella loves to wave and talk to animals, especially birdies and puppy dogs and is a compulsive organizer when it comes to her books, blocks and just about everything you can think off. Lately she has been clapping for herself when she does something really cool like eating off of a fork or unrolling the toilet paper before Mom catches her. She is currently obsessed with shoes, purses (especially my Coach purse which I even get nervous using) and shopping bags. She enjoys walking around our house totting her purse while sporting her diaper and sandals as she shops for household items in her shopping bag. She is also starting to expand her language of grunts and giggles to different sounds. We think she says Dada and pup-pup but she also mimics a great deal. I have noticed that she now says “shzz” which I am assuming is shoes because she always brings you a pair to put on when she says it. When we got home from vacation she started throwing her blocks over her shoulders and yelling “Whoaaaa!” I wonder what trick she will pick up today.

Our family has had so many fun things going on. We have a new brother-in-law and one new Baby boy cousin as well as another baby boy cousin on the way. Oh yes – I can’t forget to mention Bella’s other new cousin, Charlotte aka Charlie! Olivia got a new puppy who is pretty adorable. She is a sandy colored pommo-poo? I know I didn’t spell it right but oh well.

My sister Kaitlin is now Kaitlin Taylor since her and Zane got married on June 20th. It was a beautiful wedding with so many neat little details and special touches. Kaitlin looked gorgeous ( I know… that is really not a surprise) and Zane looked handsome also. I don’t have any pictures of my own from the wedding because my camera bag was MIA for the week. I was relieved when it showed up but I still am upset I missed all of the neat pictures. The wedding was in the backyard and it was amazing. I can’t think of a prettier place for such a special celebration. Bella had her debut as a flower girl and she did pretty well after Todd guided her down the aisle! The ceremony was very sweet and it brought Kaitlin and Zane lots of luck as it wrapped up just in time for the rain to fall. I think God was trying to coordinate with their beautiful shades of pale blue and green! The reception also looked amazing and everyone had a blast! My parents worked so hard on all of the decorations and it paid off. I really think my Mom could be an awesome professional wedding planner but her weekends are devoted to her kids and grandkids! The food was also very yummy! I did miss out on the cake as well as the cookies and the milk though and I am still a little sad about that. Kaitlin and Zane were so sweet and I think they are very happy newlyweds even though they are currently residing in a hotel until their house is done. Zane said one of the sweetest (gross but sweet) things I think I’ve ever heard a groom say about his bride when he said “I felt like throwing up each time I looked at the weather and the rain got closer because I knew how sad Kaitlin would be.” I know he will take such good care of Kaitlin!!!! Congratulations MR. and MRS. TAYLOR!!!!

After the wedding we prepared for vacation! Bella was such a trooper all the way down and back. She slept a lot, watched some movies and talked but not a lot of crying. Thank you Aunt Lissy for being her playmate and keeping her entertained. We got to Florida on the fourth of July. The beach was absolutely perfect with very few waves, crystal clear water and a huge sandbar for the kiddos to play on. We barbequed some hotdogs and enjoyed fireworks on the beach that evening. It was perfect. The rest of the days were just as wonderful and relaxing. Lissy did some great posts on her blog so check them out. Her link is in the sidebar. Bella loved every aspect. She played in the sand, jumped the waves, played a ton with her big cousins, rocked out at the dance party, colored (on herself) with sidewalk chalk, swam at the pool, took walks around Seaside, explored the house and all of its contents and slept when she got tired. She proved to her parents that she is a good vacationer and would love to go on more!!!! Thanks to my folks for planning such a memorable trip.

While we were gone the whole Early family got daily updates on Emily’s condition. Scott, Ryan’s brother, and his wife Emily were having their first child and were waiting to find out what it was. She was due on the 4th of July but the little firecracker wasn’t quite ready to join the world yet. Finally, in the evening on July 8th, Emily was induced and after a long and strenuous day with very little progress, they decided to do a C-section. A little before 6:00pm on July 9th, precious little 8 lb. 4 oz. Colin Michael Sedlak got to meet his Mommy and Daddy face-to-face. He is absolutely adorable and Bella had to pick him up his own snuggle (like her skippit) while we were at the beach. He got a puppy dog which looks like Lucy with his name on it so he won’t lose it! We finally got to go see him (and hold him!) on Sunday! Scott and Emily were so happy and relaxed. They are going to be great parents! Welcome to the family Baby Colin!

Now we are just waiting on Baby Lincoln to show up! I am sure the Farwell’s are anxiously awaiting their newest family member and personally, I can’t wait to squish those cheeks!!!! Go out walking Ali so we can meet him soon!