Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bella's visit to Francis Park

Yesterday Aunt Lissy took me to Francis Park

I passed out on the way to the park.

Still sleeping...

Lissy made me wake up. Where are we??

ughh- I'm tired, but...

Let's play!

I'm so silly!


I don't like this green stuff.


like "See food?" haha
(that was a bad joke)

I heart Teddy Grahams!! A LOT!!

Specifically the Cinnamon flavored Teddy Grahams.

I don't like it when the grass touches my legs.

Ok- I'm ready to go! I'm out of Teddy Grahams and this grass is driving my crazy!

I'm super nosey!

I throw my Skippit on the ground because I think it's funny to make Aunt Lissy keep picking it up!